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Happy Look (Ophthalmic Clinic)





2022: Opening of the clinic

In April 2022, the St. Petersburg network of optics "Happy Look" opened the first ophthalmic clinic under its own brand. About 250 million rubles were invested in this project .

The main areas of work of the clinic: diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, including modern surgical methods of cataract removal, laser vision correction and vitreoretinal interventions in retinal pathologies.

In St. Petersburg opened a clinic for microsurgery of the eye for 250 million rubles

Every year, the Happy Look Clinic is ready to receive up to 15 thousand patients and conduct up to 10 thousand operations to remove cataracts and laser vision correction. It is planned to cooperate with insurance companies to provide ophthalmic care within the framework of the LCA.

At first, the company expects that most of the patients will be buyers of the optics "Happy Look." The chain of stores has full-time ophthalmologists who check vision when selecting glasses and lenses; now, if a client discovers eye diseases, he will be able to be redirected to his own network clinic, the company noted.

As the founder of the St. Petersburg network of optics "Happy Look" Viktor Gordeychuk emphasized, the appearance of the clinic is a logical step in the development of the network, in the salons of which in recent years the range of ophthalmic services has expanded. The development of the direction of surgical treatment is a logical continuation of what has begun, he added.

By April 2022, the Happy Look network of optics salons unites 253 salons in 50 cities of Russia, including 3 Megaoptika salons and 5 salons with orthoptic rooms for hardware treatment and prevention of healthy vision.[1]

2018: Plans to open a clinic

The intention of the Happy Look network to open an ophthalmic clinic with an area of ​ ​ 600-700 square meters. m in St. Petersburg became known in 2018 - the company was ready to send up to 750 million rubles for these purposes . It was assumed that the medical center will work, including in the compulsory medical insurance system. The total area was a little more - 1 thousand square meters. m
