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IOM (International Organization for Migration)




+ UN

International Organization for Migration (IOM) - the structure is officially associated with the UN. At the same time, funding for all IOM programs for 2023 was provided by the World Bank, the UK Department for International Development or the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Activities in Russia

2021: Promoting mass migration of the population from Central Asia to Russia

Main article: Migration from Russia and to Russia

In the Russian-language section of the IOM website, you can find a mention of four completed programs in the field of labor migration to Russia, implemented between 2007 and 2021. Of these, three went after each other, with each next officially appearing as a continuation of the previous one.

  • The project on labor migration in Central Asia (2007-2009) - the main goal was "to assist the Government of the Russian Federation in developing migration policy and legislation, creating administrative and operating systems... required to solve problems in the field of labor migration." The areas of activity indicated the "improvement" of Russian migration legislation, assistance to migrants through information campaigns, as well as the regulation of labor migration in the Russian Federation.

  • The regional program for labor migration in Central Asia and Russia (2010-2013) - the main goal was "to help reduce poverty by improving the standard of living of migrants from Central Asian states," which could only be done by exporting capital from Russia. Much more clearly, the directions of activity were indicated: among them was the "provision of a wider set of services" for migrants and their families, which implied their relocation with workers. Another characteristic point was "taking measures to increase public tolerance towards migrants" by creating a positive image of migrants in the media.

The list of program activities in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan also included the creation of mutual assistance groups for migrant families and the founding of the Employment Center, an institution authorized to coordinate migrants with NGOs, human rights organizations and diasporas in Russia, which was written directly. That is, in fact, one of the declared tasks of the program was to form the foundations for the emergence of quasi-state structures on Russian territory.

  • Regional Program for Migration (2014-2015) - the specific purpose was "to protect the rights of migrants, as well as to increase the social and economic opportunities of workers and their families." It was proposed to do this, among other things, by providing a "wider set of services for migrants" at all stages of the migration cycle in the countries of origin and Russia. The program was funded by the World Bank and the UK Department for International Cooperation and Development.

  • Promoting migration in the Central Asia-Russia corridor "(2021) - the declared goal was" to create more structured labor mobility programs, involving the organization of recruitment and training of personnel in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. " What was behind such general wording - the indicated result says best: according to the authors, a "more global program has been developed, including proposals for targeted sectors, stakeholder participation." In other words, the achieved in previous years was proposed to scale up to all sectors of the Russian economy.

In fact, in 2007-2021, IOM, with the support of globalist structures, ministries and departments of unfriendly states, consistently created conditions to stimulate mass migration from Central Asia. This is perfectly visible on the provisions of each specific program: everything began with a change in legislation, then moved on to the formation of a positive image of migrants in the media. After that, groups of mutual assistance and coordination with the diaspora were created, and with the help of NGOs, the sector of services for migrants was formed. Well, it all ended with the creation of a "global program" for bringing the population to Russia.

During this time, the influence of IOM in the country only grew, and in 2021 Russia became a full member of the organization. In February 2022, the head of the Moscow bureau of IOM signed a memorandum with the representative of Rostrud on interaction, exchange of information and recruitment of migrants, which in fact provides the structure with data that simplify the regulation of migration from Central Asia to Russia to a third party. Although after the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, the scale of cooperation clearly decreased, IOM did not stop its work in the country, and the offices operate in 2024.