Institute of Automated Systems (IAS)
Akado (group)
IAS is an operator of IASNET network based on which provides to the clients full range of services – data transmission on the X.25, Frame Relay and IP protocols, Internet access, the international Internet roaming, a web hosting, a local, intercity and international telecommunication, services of Call center, the IP telephony, etc.
In December, 1983 signal transmission on the Internet which allowed to participate in the First world computer conference on biotechnologies to the famous Soviet erudite biochemist Anatoly Kolesov was conducted with the territory of "Institute of automated systems" (enters into AKADO Group since 1999) for the first time in the Soviet Union.
Broadcasting was performed by forces of specialists of the company headed by the CEO of IAS of Oleg Smirnov who for November, 2013 e is the board member of JSC IAS and its shareholder.