Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



In March, 2017 the order of the Bank of Russia revokes a license for banking operations from credit institution Intekhbank Public joint stock company of PJSC Intekhbank (reg. No. 2705, Kazan).

JSC Intekhbank (Open joint stock company). It is registered in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on February 21, 1994. The registered authorized capital is 2 billion rubles.

In total assets for October 1, 2012 - 15,599,479 thousand rubles.

In December, 2016 the Tatarstan Intekhbank temporarily stopped service of plastic cards in connection with suspension of work of a processing center of Tatfondbank. Earlier Intekhbank switched-off ATMs and limited cash disbursement to 10 thousand rubles a day. Since December 16 the limit can make 15 thousand rubles in connection with the expected improvement of a situation. Intekhbank added that further stabilization of a situation is connected with positive news about Tatfondbank and introduction of the moratorium concerning it from the Central Bank.

In March, 2017 the order of the Bank of Russia revokes a license for banking operations from credit institution Intekhbank Public joint stock company of PJSC Intekhbank (reg. No. 2705, Kazan). According to the regulator, in the conditions of placement of money PJSC Intekhbank inadequately estimated at assets of unsatisfactory quality accepted with respect thereto risks. Of reserves in necessary volumes led Dosozdaniye to complete loss of own means (capital) by credit institution. The management and owners of bank did not take effective measures on normalization of its activity.

In view of low-quality assets implementation of the procedure of financial improvement of PJSC Intekhbank with involvement of the "Deposit Insurance Agency" state corporation and his creditors on reasonable economic conditions were not represented possible. In the circumstances the Bank of Russia on the basis of Article 20 of the Federal law "About Banks and Banking Activity" fulfilled a duty on a response at credit institution of a license for banking operations.