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Баннер в шапке 2




Russian developer and producer of telecommunication equipment


1999 – the INTELSET-TSS LLC company is formed.

1999 - the OTS DSS equipment is developed for the organization of the systems of operational and technology communication on the railroads of Ministry of Railways of Russia.

2000 - serial production of the OTS DSS equipment is begun.

2001 - the OTS DSS equipment is delivered on the railroads of Ministry of Railways of Russia.

2002 - the OTS DSS equipment functions on five railroads of the Russian Federation:

  • - October;
  • - Volga;
  • - North Caucasian;
  • - Southeast;
  • - East Siberian.

In a total amount the OTS DSS equipment equips more than 400 objects. The certificate of Ministry of Communications on UPATS Onyx is received.

2003 - deliveries of the OTS DSS equipment to the railroads of Ministry of Railways of Russia continue. In a total amount the OTS DSS equipment equips more than 600 objects. The firm moved to own building. UPATS Onyx is recommended by the commission of Ministry of Railways as the OBTS equipment. Deliveries of UPATS Onyx on MO Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and Emercom of Russia network are begun.

2004 - deliveries of the OTS DSS and OBTS equipment based on UPATS "ONYX" on the railroads of JSC "Russian Railways" continue. In a total amount the equipment equips more than 700 objects. The project on creation of EDTsU on St. Kav is implemented. railway. In UPATS "ONYX" functions of an operational conference circuit and the switch of long distance communication channels are implemented. Deliveries of UPATS Onyx on MO Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and Emercom of Russia network continue.

2005 - deliveries of the OTS DSS and OBTS equipment based on UPATS "ONYX" on the railroads of JSC "Russian Railways" continue. In a total amount the equipment equips more than 800 objects. Signal equipment of meetings of ASS-Ts-DSS is developed. Signal equipment of ASS-Ts-DSS on Volga railway is delivered. Are developed on creation of the OTS equipment based on IP - technologies. The certificate of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications is prolonged for UPATS "ONYX". Deliveries of UPATS Onyx on MO Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and Emercom of Russia network continue.

2006 - deliveries of the OTS DSS and OBTS equipment based on UPATS "ONYX" on the railroads of JSC "Russian Railways" continue. In a total amount the equipment equips more than 850 objects. Developments on an OTS equipment soedaniye based on IP - technologies continue. The declaration of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications on the ONYX UPATS additional functions is received. The certificate on the switch of long distance communication channels "ONIKS-RMTS" is received. Deliveries of UPATS Onyx on MO Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation network continue. The company actively cooperates with Centrsvyazyinform Ltd on deliveries of a switching equipment for needs of MO.

2007 - deliveries of the OTS DSS and OBTS equipment based on UPATS "ONYX" on the railroads of JSC "Russian Railways" continue. Cooperation with Centrsvyazyinform Ltd on supplies of equipment for MO continues.

2008 - the boundary of 1000 objects equipped with the equipment of development and production of Intelset-TSS LLC is passed. These are objects on networks JSC "Russian Railways", MO Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Emercom of Russia, on networks of the railroads of Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. For service maintenance of the equipment installed on objects of Customers INTELSET-TSS Ltd is created.

2009 - Intelset-TSS LLC celebrates the 10 anniversary of education by new developments: it is a complex of control of communication channels and a complex of remote control of objects.

2010 - on the second ten existence of firm we continue the movement to new heights. The quantity of objects where our equipment works, increased till 1200.

2011 - the serial release of the developed equipment and delivery to his Customers continues.