JSB Lesbank
Lesbank is universal Moscow bank, it was focused mainly on corporate crediting. Clients of bank – large enterprises of the industry and mechanical engineering, publishing houses, the organizations of spheres of science and culture, etc.
As of 11/1/2014 the cumulative amount of assets of bank is 3833 million rubles, equity – 885.1 million rubles, the loan portfolio – 2523.4 million rubles, account balances of clients – 1157.7 million rubles.
At offices of Lesbank transfers Zolotaya Korona to 19 countries of the world in rubles, US dollars and euro were available. Across Russia the transfer commission makes 1%, but no more than 1 thousand rubles; to other countries – from 0.5% depending on amount of transfer and the direction of transaction.
In October, 2015 the Central Bank revoked the licenses for implementation of banking activity from Development bank of the forest industry (Lesbank). Lesbank, specified the Central Bank, pursued high risk credit policy and did not create adequate to the accepted risks of reserves on possible losses on loans, besides, financial institution was involved in carrying out doubtful transit transactions.