KRB No. 25, Clinical rheumatologic hospital No. 25
Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Since 1995
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
190068, Bolshaya Podjyacheskaya St. 30
Since 1995
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
190068, Bolshaya Podjyacheskaya St. 30
SPb GBUZ Clinical Rheumatologic Hospital No. 25 is specialized agency – The city rheumatologic center, having all opportunities for rendering high-quality medical care. For November, 2018 the main activity of the City rheumatologic center – KRB No. 25 – diagnostics of the most complex cases, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, treatment of spondiloartrit, treatment of osteoarthrosis, a system red volchanka, sharp rheumatic fever, a system sklerodermiya, Shegren's disease and other system diseases of connecting fabric. In total about 120 nozologiya of rheumatic diseases.