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Kazan State Agrarian University - Kazan State Agrarian University



FSBEI HE "Kazan State Agrarian University" (Kazan GAU) is one of the oldest agrarian universities in Russia, leading its history since 1922.



Presentation of the research program at Agrobiotechnopark

Kazan State Agrarian University on April 26, 2024 announced the development of a program of scientific research, which will be carried out on the basis of the Agrobiotechnopark of the University. The program focuses on four key areas: digital and information technologies in precision farming, scientific support for feed production, the development of technologies and machines for cattle farms, as well as new agricultural technologies.

source = Kazan GAU
We are confident that the concentration of research efforts in these priority areas will allow us to achieve breakthrough results and bring the domestic agro-industrial complex to a qualitatively new level. Digitalization opens up huge opportunities to increase the efficiency of crop production, and the development of the feed base and innovative solutions for livestock farms directly affects the productivity and profitability of production, - commented the rector of Kazansky GAU, Doctor of Economics, Professor Airat Valiev.

According to him, scientists Kazansky GAU are already actively working in these areas. In the field of precision agriculture, systems for remote sensing and monitoring of the state of crops are being developed, automated systems for managing agricultural machinery and optimizing fertilizer application. Research in the field of feed production focuses on the creation of new varieties of feed crops with improved characteristics, as well as on improving the technologies for the procurement and storage of feed. In addition, innovative machines and equipment for dairy farms are being developed to increase labor productivity and product quality. Significant attention is also paid to breeding work on major crops.

{{quote 'Our task is not only to obtain world-class scientific results, but also to ensure their early introduction into production. To do this, we have all the necessary infrastructure - modern laboratories, experimental fields, as well as reliable partnerships with agribusiness, - said Airat Valiev. }}

It is expected that the implementation of this research program of Agrobiotechnopark will give a powerful impetus to the innovative development of the regional and national agro-industrial complex, will contribute to improving the country's food security, increasing export potential and attracting investments in the agricultural sector of the economy.

University structure

The structure of the university for April 2024 includes 3 institutes (agrobiotechnologies and land use, mechanization and technical service, economics) and the Faculty of Forestry and Ecology. Kazan GAU is the head university of the scientific and educational cluster of the agricultural and industrial complex of the Republic of Tatarstan. The training of highly qualified personnel is carried out in 11 groups of specialties and areas, including 1 specialty program, 35 bachelor's programs, 13 master's programs, 3 SPO programs and 18 graduate programs.