Kemerovo Traffic Management Center (TsODD)
Since 2013
Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
69 Kuznetsky Ave., 650025
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Municipal budgetary institution "Center for Traffic Management" (DPC). The organization was established on July 25, 2013.
The main goals of the institution: the organization and provision of safe and comfortable road traffic in the city of Kemerovo.
In January 2014, the traffic management department was replenished with a traffic management section, in the area of responsibility of which is the study of the intensity of transport and pedestrian traffic on the city roads and the development of traffic management schemes taking into account the results of research.
In April 2014, MBU "Center for Traffic Management" became a branch of the Department of Road Transportation of Kuzbass State Technical University.
Organizing safe and convenient road traffic, specialists of the MBU "Center for Traffic Management" from the beginning of the center's work began to search for modern methods of work, the introduction of innovative technologies.
An integrated approach to the presence of bottlenecks, traffic congestion, accidents of various sections of the city's road network contributes to improving the organization of traffic in the regional center.
The mechanism for implementing traffic optimization was the development and implementation of programs for the development of Automated Traffic Management Systems (ASUDD). To date, 50 traffic lights are included in the automated control system. In total, 135 traffic lights are currently regulated in the city.
During the first year of the institution's work, traffic management schemes on five sections of the street and road network of the city of Kemerovo were radically changed.
The center's specialists work daily with appeals from citizens and organizations of the city.
The total number of specialists of the center is 82 people.
2013: Start of work
The traffic management center began work on August 26, 2013. The purpose of creating an institution is to carry out work and provide services in the field of organizing and ensuring road safety on the roads of the regional center.
The center is responsible for traffic management, work on servicing photo and video recording devices, weighing freight transport, servicing traffic management equipment, evacuation of vehicles at the request of the traffic police.
The traffic management department became the first department that began work at the MBU "Center for Traffic Management" on August 26, 2013. It included sections of:
- section of automated traffic control systems,
- section of technical means of road traffic management.
On September 1, 2013, the departments of the center included:
- specialized parking sector, which implements the storage of detained vehicles
- vehicle weighing department,
- a section of a motor transport group.