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King Servers



King Servers - the Russian hosting provider. Provides complex services in the organization of network infrastructures. The company works since 2008 and during this time passed a way from a small resseler of foreign brands to the owner of own dedicated servers and all infrastructure in the Netherlands, the USA and Russia.

The King Servers servers are located in the most modern and protected data centers which high level is confirmed with profile certificates. The company offers qualitative VPS a hosting on fast SSD disks, dedicated servers, Anti-DDoS protection and service of data storage.


Turnover grew by 35% in dollar expression. All Russian market of hosting services in 2016 grew by 8% that does not differ from data on growth for 2015. Such rates allowed hosting provider to increase the share to 2% among the Russian companies.

Basis for development of King Servers is cooperation with the companies of medium and small business in Russia, the USA and Europe. The biggest growth is shown in such segments as: e-commerce, big-data, Saas. The company has more than one thousand clients, on service of 4256 domains in the different countries of the world.