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Kvantorium Kaliningrad



+ Roskvantorium - Fund of new forms of development of education

On March 9, 2017 in the scientific and technology park Factory of BFU of I. Kant in Kaliningrad the children's technopark Kvantorium opened. The leading industrial enterprises of the Kaliningrad region and BFU of I. Kant participate in formation of the educational program Kvantorium.

The children's technopark Kvantorium is a new format of additional education. More than 1000 children aged from 12 years will practice in workshop of high technologies, bringing to readiness the projects with the help of methods of digital processing on 3D-printers and machines with numerical control. The educational program covers seven directions which are divided into modules on the increasing complexity: Enerdzhikvantum, Robokvantum, "IT kvantum", "VR-AR-kvantum", Lazerkvantum, Neyrokvantum, Biokvantum. Every month children will present the projects to specialists of the innovation enterprises at a meeting of Club of mentors. GS Group intends to cooperate with Kvantorium in all directions. In particular, experienced specialists of GS Group will train pupils for the All-Russian JuniorSkills Hi-Tech championships.

Representation Kvantorium, (2016)

2017: GS Group became the partner of children's technopark Kvantorium

At an opening ceremony between GS Group and Kvantorium holding the agreement on strategic partnership was signed. The holding will help to build a trajectory of development of school students from scientific and technical creativity before work in the conditions of the innovation production. Comprehending robotics, programming, virtual reality, radio electronics, laser technologies, a neurobiology and genetic engineering, being engaged 3D - modeling and designing of robots, exceptional children of the Kaliningrad region will make the first discoveries in Kvantorium.

Cooperation of GS Group and Kvantorium is aimed at adaptation of technical and natural-science training of school students to activity of modern high technology production. Specialists of holding will carry out for pupils and teachers of an excursion to the enterprises of the innovation cluster Technopolice GS (Mr. Gusev, the Kaliningrad region) and training under the leadership of lead engineers. Having seen as high technologies are created, school students will participate in researches and experiments on development of the innovation products. Pupils of Kvantorium will be able to work on platforms of a cluster, and graduates — in the long term to sign the postponed labor contract. Showing and explaining to children difficult technology processes, production involves them in scientific and technical creativity, trains inventive thinking. The atmosphere of opening configures children consciously to prepare for work in the knowledge-intensive and high-tech industries.