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The main activity of "LISSI" is connected with development and implementation of new technologies, first of all - in the field of data protection. The LISSI company is a licensee of FSB of Russia and FSTEC of Russia, the member of Interregional public organization "Association of Data Protection" (MOO "AZI"), the participant of Euro-Asian association of producers of goods and services in the field of security (EBPAAC) and also is accredited as testing laboratory FSTEC of Russia in the system of certification of information security tools.



+ LISSI (Laboratory of tests of means and systems of informatization)

Activities of LISSI company are:

  • development of new technologies and creation on their base program and software and hardware tools of data protection;
  • development and deployment of the cryptographic means implementing the Russian cryptographic algorithms on different platforms;
  • development and deployment of the cryptographic means supporting Public Key Infrastructure (PKI);
  • development and deployment of the protected certification centers;
  • development and deployment of means of the organization of the protected document flow based on the electronic digital signature (EDS);
  • development and deployment of complete solutions on data protection.

The security system of Java provides ample opportunities of use of different cryptographic algorithms in application programs. Support of these or those cryptographic algorithms is performed in Java runtime environment (JRE) using so-called service providers, statically or dynamically connected to the application program. The known providers of LISSI company LirJCE and LirJSSE support many years application of the Russian algorithms of GOST 28147-89, GOST P34.11-94 and GOST P34.10-2001 in application programs.

One of the important issues resolved at Organization of Information Security is the method of storage of cryptographic keys. In traditional programs of Java keys are stored in key storages - in a special way organized files in which classified information is ciphered on the password. It means that in the course of a program runtime the key is decrypted and some time is present at memory in open form that creates a possibility of its discredit.

More reliable method of storage of key material is provided by hardware tokens which essentially do not give keys outside, and are capable to generate keys and to make with them cryptographic transactions. The special international standard PKCS#11 (Cryptoki) defining protocols and interaction interfaces of the program with tokens is developed for work with tokens. Starting with version 2.30, the Russian cryptographic algorithms are presented in this standard.

The Russian companies make the tokens supporting algorithms of GOST and interfaces of PKCS#11 standard 2.30. Such tokens are, for example, eToken GOST of Aladdin-RD company, Rutoken of the EDS of Active Soft company, ShIPKA of OKB SAPR company, etc.

In order that the Russian tokens could be used in programs of Java, the LISSI company develops the special provider LirPKCS11 providing connection of tokens through their "native" libraries PKCS#11 for standard 2.30. Unlike provider LirJCE, LirPKCS11 itself does not execute any cryptographic transactions, and serves only as the intermediary between the application program and library of a token PKCS#11 API.

Thus, LirPKCS11 provider allows to use a token in programs of Java as full-fledged storage of keys and certificates. At the same time function of generation of key pair with a token without a possibility of extraction of private key is provided. Besides, possibilities of preserving of certificates, scrollings and selections of objects, etc. are provided.

Classes of LirPKCS11 provider provide to the application program actually two levels of interfaces. The top level is traditional interfaces of cryptographic service providers Java. The bottom level is interfaces of the PKCS#11 standard. Depending on solvable tasks, it is possible to use either interfaces of the high level, or interfaces of the PKCS#11 level.

Unfortunately, many hardware tokens support the PKCS#11 standard only partially, imposing significant restrictions of implementation. Often they are limited to support only of those mechanisms which are necessary for execution of operations with GOST P34.10-2001 key pair at generation and verification of the EDS. Moreover, and high-speed performance of hardware tokens often insufficiently high. Thereof, it is difficult to expect such tokens, as full-fledged cryptographic devices when implementing safe SSL/TLS network protocols. Therefore LISSI company developed LirCryptoki2 library which is very fully implementing support of the PKCS#11 standard for program tokens.

The application program has an opportunity to load two copies of LirPKCS11 provider, one of which is connected with a hardware token, and another - with program. Transactions with key material on a hardware token are executed by a hardware token, and all others - program. Use of such combination provides both security of key material, and high performance of accomplishment of those cryptographic transactions which do not require access to private key on a hardware token. At the same time all transactions are made via standard interfaces of Java that allows to apply a set of fixed high-level functions in application programs.

Important feature of libraries of LISSI company is their cross-platform. Both LirPKCS11, and LirCryptoki2 successfully work both in Windows, and in Linux, and in Solaris. As regular means of Java cross-platform, and application programs in itself can be developed cross-platform.


June, 2012

On June 14, 2012 the Ninth arbitration Court of Appeal refused to LLC Bank Soft Systems (BSS LLC) the satisfaction of the stated requirements about canceling of the decision of Arbitration court of Moscow of 4/9/2012 about deprivation of BSS LLC of a voting right at general meetings of participants of Laboratory of Tests of Means and Systems of Informatization (LISSI LLC) LLC.

Before FAS Russia established that control without passing of the corresponding reconciliation procedure over LISSI LLC having a strategic importance was set to BSS LLC which only participant is the SATTERFIELD MANAGEMENT LTD company (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).


  • According to the Federal law of 4/29/2008 No. 57-FZ "About a procedure of the foreign investments in the business entities having a strategic importance for ensuring defense of the country and security of the state" foreign investors the organizations which are also under control of foreign investors including created in the territory of the Russian Federation are recognized.
  • According to Article 15 of Law No. 57-FZ if the transaction concerning strategic society is made without requirements of this law, the court in the claim of authorized body makes the decision on deprivation of the foreign investor or group of persons of a voting right at general meeting of shareholders (participants) of the business entity having a strategic importance.

March, 2012

The arbitration court of Moscow satisfied the claim of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) to Bank Soft Systems company (BSS). Antimonopoly department found out that BSS set control over "Laboratory of Tests of Means and Systems of Informatization" company (LISSI) without necessary permission of the government. With respect thereto the court prohibited BSS to vote at LISSI shareholder meetings.

LISSI owns licenses for development and service of cryptographic tools. In compliance with the law "About a Procedure of the Foreign Investments in the Business Entities Having a Strategic Importance for Ensuring Defense of the Country and Security of the State" adopted in 2008, this type of activity is referred to category of strategically important. In case of intention of the foreign company to purchase control over the enterprise working in one of these areas it is necessary to get at first approval of the government commission on the strategic investments.

BSS though the Russian company, its only owner, according to FAS, is the British firm Satterfield Management that obliges the company to apply also for permission in the government commission. It is remarkable that in 2009 when Satterfield Managmenet purchased BSS, it got the corresponding approval from the government.

LISSI is founded in 2002, works in the field of data protection. The company developed the patented hardware-software complexes of protection against unauthorized access of Shield Multi Service-FW and Shield Channel-FW. Strategic partnership of BSS and LISSI it was announced in 2010, parameters of the transaction were not disclosed. Then it was stated that LISSI will become for BSS Competence Center in the field of data protection, and its developments were then are integrated into the products BSS.

September, 2012

On September 20, 2012 the meeting of Federal arbitration court of the Moscow district according to the writ of appeal of LLC Bank Soft Systems (BSS LLC) on the decision of Arbitration court of Moscow of April 09, 2012 and the Resolution of the Ninth arbitration Court of Appeal of June 21, 2012 on case No. A40-124526/11-138-1056 on deprivation of the foreign investor of a voting right at a general meeting of participants of business entity took place.

The writ of appeal of BSS LLC on the decision of Arbitration court of Moscow of April 09, 2012 and the Resolution of the Ninth arbitration Court of Appeal of June 21, 2012 is rejected by the decision of Federal arbitration court of the Moscow district, the solution remained in force: "Deprive BSS Limited liability company (a TIN 7726587769, PSRN 1087746170181) a voting right at general meetings of participants of the LISSI Limited liability company having a strategic importance from the moment of the introduction of the judicial act on this case in legal force". At a court session there was a representative of BSS LLC (the CEO of BSS LLC Vasilyev M.V. so never at court sessions also appeared; probably the conscience torments) and also Platitsyn A.V. heading also BSS-bezopasnost LLC.

At the same time BSS LLC does not stop the trying to set control over LISSI LLC. At the same time to them not the decree neither laws, nor court's decisions. In the Resolution of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal No. 09AP-13566/2012-GK of June 21, 2012 on case No. A40-124526/11-138-1056 it is accurately specified that "the court of first instance reasonably specified that actions of the foreign investor of BSS LLC and the third parties (the citizen of the Russian Federation Stefanchuk D.A.) on change of the CEO of LISSI LLC, according to point 5 of Article 7 of Law No. 57-FZ are establishment of control of the foreign investor or group of persons over the managing society having a strategic importance on others, the stipulated by the legislation bases of the Russian Federation". Despite it, after the introduction of court's decision in legal force and after discharge on June 26, 2012 of Platitsyn A.V. from the management of LISSI LLC, they made an attempt of establishment of control over LISSI LLC again.

January, 2010

The certification center LISSI LLC received the status of the Authorized certification center for the state (municipal) order and since December 30, 2010 performs release of signature key certificates with the field of use State order. UTs LISSI LLC is accredited at the Federal electronic marketplace RTS-Tender LLC which underwent audit of Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) and Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Now in our certification center you can receive the EDS key for participation in the open electronic auctions operating on the following electronic marketplaces: RTS-Tender LLC; JSC "Unified electronic marketplace"; Sberbank-AST Ltd; SUE The Agency according to the State Order RT; MICEX-Infomatsionye of Technology Ltd.