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Lender Invest





2024: Attraction of RUB 150 mln of investments

In September 2024, the Land Invest investment platform (Lander-Invest LLC) successfully completed the pre-IPO procedure, during which the company managed to attract ₽150 million. The event marked the first investment round for the platform and marked the beginning of preparations to enter the public market.

According to Sheets"," the company placed 15% of its capital on the VTB registrar platform. As a result of the transaction, carried out in the cash-in format, the assessment of Lender Invest, taking into account the funds raised, reached ₽1 billion. The CEO of the company Dmitry Isakov said that the capital included exclusively large private investors. The leading investor invested ₽50 million, and the other two largest participants - ₽20 million each.

Lender Invest raised 150 million rubles

Lender Invest plans to use the funds raised to expand its customer base and marketing goals (about 70%), develop new products (20%) and develop its own IT system (10%). The company intends to increase the number of users from the current 10,000 to 120,000 by the time of its IPO.

According to the management statement, Lender Invest expects to hold an IPO on the Moscow Exchange in 2026. The company plans to prepare IFRS statements for 2024, receive a credit rating and issue bonds in 2025. By the time it goes public, Lender Invest aims to reach an estimate of about ₽10 billion.

Experts note that the crowdlanding market in Russia is showing rapid growth. According to the Association of Investment Platform Operators, the market volume doubled in 2023 and reached ₽24,1 billion. Analysts attribute this to the search for alternative sources of financing for businesses and the desire of individuals for higher returns in the face of inflation.

Lender Invest became the third company in its niche to announce plans for an IPO. Earlier, such intentions were announced by the market leader JetLend and the Voiskafe platform[1]
