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Баннер в шапке 2

MD Facility Management


Housing and communal services, service and household services
Since 1994
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Moscow region
143441, Krasnogorsk district, Putilkovo settlement, 72 km Moscow Ring Road, Greenwood Business Park, p. 15, 6th floor

Number of employees
2022 year

As of July 2022, MD Facility Management operates throughout the Russian Federation. MD Facility Management's central office is located in Moscow, where the company and its branches are managed. The infrastructure ensures the completeness and professionalism of the services provided. The company works with customers who are aware of the importance of planning and full financing of facilities. He is also a service integrator and provides clients with services from MD Facility Management and outsourcing partners.


2022: Separate Environmental Support Services

On July 25, 2022, it became known that MD Facility Management, one of the major FM operators, decided to allocate to ecological support services for enterprises to a separate division. The work, which was previously carried out as part of the operation of the facilities, real estate is now a separate service offered to both building owners and tenant companies.

In the world, the protection and preservation of the environment, the observance of environmental safety is paid great attention at all levels and in all areas of activity. The need to protect the environment is enshrined in environmental legislation, and the volume of reporting and document flow is comparable to accounting documentation. Accordingly, penalties for violations in reporting in this area are also quite large. Taking into account the large volume of document flow, the specifics of the issue, the consistency of activities for the implementation of Federal, regional, city and municipal requirements in the field of ecology and environmental protection, this service is allocated in a separate direction - environmental support,
said Boris Mezentsev, chief operating officer of MD Facility Management.

The comprehensive service from MD Facility Management includes the development and approval of the necessary design documentation, audit and compliance with the existing environmental documentation at the enterprise, training managers and specialists in environmental safety programs, transfer and approval of documents to the Departments of Rosprirodnadzor and Nature Management and Environmental Protection, preparation of the enterprise and participation in external inspections conducted by controlling organizations.

In the FM services market, the vast majority of companies are forced to involve external contractors to do this kind of work. Environmental support in the structure of MD Facility Management, on the contrary, is carried out by a team of full-time specialists with appropriate professional environmental qualifications.

The service will be in demand, first of all, in the field of small businesses, the scale of which is not so large as to allocate staff for environmental documentation. However, for large enterprises, interaction with a company with the necessary experience, appropriate software and trained specialists will avoid sanctions from supervisory authorities, gain the status of a "green enterprise," thereby strengthening the competitive advantage of its business in the market.
noted Boris Mezentsev.