MIAC of the Rostov region
Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Since 2005
Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation
344029, Selmash Ave., 14
Since 2005
Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation
344029, Selmash Ave., 14
+ Ministry of Health of the Rostov region
The main objective of State Budgetary Institution RO MIAC is formation of the unified information system of health care of the Rostov region by the organization based on the modern computer technologies of the cross-industry information collection system, processing, storage and information representation providing dynamic assessment of the state of health and information support of decision making, directed to its improvement.
Organization performs the following types of activity:
- the organizational and methodical guide to formation of the unified information system of health care at the level of the Rostov region, creation and maintenance of automated control systems for health care;
- coordination of activity of service of medical statistics of the Rostov region and medical statistical support of governing bodies of health care;
- formation and support of the state and industry statistical reporting of the Rostov region;
- analysis of medico-statistical information on the state of health of the population and health care of the Rostov region;
- increase in efficiency of use of information infrastructure of health care of the Rostov region;
- studying and forecasting of the processes and the phenomena connected with human health;
- preventive orientation and activities for formation of a healthy lifestyle at the population of the Rostov region.