The vendor of the PTC CAD systems made strategic acquisition, having purchased the Canadian company MKS Inc. The platform for management of lifecycle of applications (ALM) which it develops will be built in a line of PTC.
The PTC company, the developer of solutions for automated design and data management, announced merger of the Canadian company MKS Inc. for 292.5 million Canadian dollars (about $300 million). Receipt date of MKS Integrity in sale in the territory of Russia and the CIS countries will be reported later.
MKS Integrity is the platform for management of lifecycle of applications (ALM - Application Lifecycle Management). Standardization of the ALM solutions MKS with solutions for data management of PTC will allow producers to coordinate better management of hardware and program components of one product. Thereby, the RTS corporation takes a step towards unification of management of the lifecycle integrating software development and equipments, said in official release of the company.
Software is important komponenty almost each product, – the head of PTC Jim Heppelman told. "We consider for a long time that development of hardware and program parts of a product should be controlled within the unified process. Merger of MKS we add the optimal ALM solution to a line of our products and we expand our PLM solution with development tools of programmoyemky products", - he noted.
The software became the integral, built-in component of the majority of industrial products today – from cars and medical devices, to smartphones and children's toys. For example, modern cars include more than 100 million lines of the inline program code, and upgrade of nearly three quarters of all medical devices is connected with improvement of the software which is built in them. However while the software has key value for the innovation product, manage it irrespective of a physical product which it is built in.
Integration of the MKS Integrity platforms and the platform on data management of PTC Windchill will allow modern Russian industrialists to make use of world experience at product development and the firm ware, to increase transparency of product development process for all engineers and also to accelerate implementation of innovations and time to market of new products, to reduce costs for development.
Purchase of the MKS Integrity platform will allow PTC corporation not only to improve functionality of the software solutions, but also to come to new fast-growing segments of the market.
The RTS corporation already certified the MKS Integrity platform according to ISO 26262 using TÜV SÜD Automotive company. It will help producers to conform to key security requirements in such fields of automotive industry as steering and the brake system. The division of TÜV SÜD Automotive is engaged in carrying out tests, tests, examinations and certification of products in the automotive industry.