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Performance indicators
According to the SPARK-Interfax analytical system, the revenue of Food Service Settlement LLC in 2021 amounted to 235.8 million rubles against 177.8 million rubles in 2020. The company completed 2021 with a net profit of 17.6 million rubles against a net loss of 29.8 million rubles a year earlier.
2023: Change of ownership of Mantinga's Russian division
The Russian "daughter" of the Lithuanian snack manufacturer Mantinga changed its owner, which became known on January 23, 2023. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL), the new owner of Food Service Settlement LLC (Mantinga LLC) is 100% Pyotr Prudnikov, owner and co-owner of several companies in the field of construction, printing, accounting in the Russian Federation. Financial and other details of the deal were not disclosed. It is also not specified who was the previous owner of the Russian business Mantinga.
According to Interfax, the corresponding record of the change of ownership of Mantinga LLC was entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on January 18, 2023. The agency calls Mantinga one of the leading producers of bread, snacks and frozen foods in the Baltic countries. The company has been operating in Russia since April 2002. Its main activity in the Russian Federation is the wholesale trade in frozen food.[1]