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The portal is a medical project, service of online record to specialists of the different directions. Now in the project more than 25000 clients are registered, more than 770 Moscow clinics are connected to a system, record performs to more, than 6500 doctors. The number of clients grows monthly for 50%, the number of the medical institutions connected to the system of online record increases monthly by 30%. The system of a resource has in the base contacts of doctors more than 30 specialties that allows each visitor to find to itself the necessary specialist.



+ Addventure

In November, 2013 the Addventure investment fund announced the first round of investments in the amount of $1.5 million into the project - service of online signing up in medical institutions of Moscow. It is planned that the portal will become not only the largest platform integrating the different directions of medical services but also will act as an umbrella brand for services of online record to the doctor. Thereby, the project will be spread around under the different medical directions.

The project appeared as a result of the solution of its founders and investors to scale the project - service of search of stomatologists and online making an appointment to them in which Addventure together with ITechGroup invested $5 million last year. The project well developed, but was focused only on one segment of the medical market. Owners of a resource studied the industry and understood that the request for similar services is not only in stomatology, but also in other medical directions. With respect thereto the decision on creation of the "umbrella" project which would include possibilities of online signing up in the medical centers of a different profile and also in beauty shops and dental clinics was made.

In August, 2013 the new project giving to users an opportunity without dead time to make an appointment with the doctor, to receive the help of the professional doctor, to read responses about clinics, to discuss important subjects at a forum started. For professionals the portal offers the help in selection of medical personnel and also an opportunity to increase the number of the patients. Today 770 Moscow clinics are connected to the project. In plans of to the middle of 2014 to bring this digit to 1500 medical organizations connected to a system.

In Moscow the market of medicine and beauty has huge potential and surely develops. In 2012 it made more than $10 billion and grows for 10-15% annually. The quantity of offices of services in Moscow exceeds 7000 businesses, and the number of medical clinics is more than 3000 now.

The managing partner of Addventure investment fund Maxim Medvedev is sure that replication of service and that experience which was got for time of development of the project will allow to create the successful and demanded in the market resource integrating clinics of Moscow in a single network of online record. The gravity of intentions of founders and investors and their belief in success are confirmed also by the amount of investments: the project budget makes $1.5 million.

"In this market there is a created top three. It is important how these projects in the next one and a half years will develop. Now we strongly overtake competitors on automation. is the only platform which performs direct integration with clinics and provides to patients not only the schedule of doctors, but also online record in real time", - the CEO of the project Alexander Yugay comments.