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Meissen (Meissen manufactory)


German porcelain manufacturer.

1910: Series of porcelain sculptures "Russian Ballet" by Paul Scheurich

Main article: Ballet in Russia

At the beginning of the XX century. diaghilev "Russian Seasons" walked triumphantly in Europe. One of the productions was "Carnival" to music by R. Schumann with choreography by M. Fokin and scenography by L. Bakst. The performance culminated in the wedding of Harlequin and Columbine, starring the brilliant Vaclav Nijinsky and the incomparable Tamara Karsavina. The premiere of the ballet with tremendous success took place in 1910, first in Berlin, then in Paris. German artist Paul Scheurich (1883-1945) - one of the best sculptors in porcelain XX century, who worked for the Meissen porcelain manufactory, was inspired by the images of this performance, the skill of Russian ballerinas and dancers and created a series of porcelain sculptures "Russian Ballet."

Scheurich's series consists of 5 five figures - the main characters of the Carnival ballet: Pierrot, Eusebius, Estrella, Kiarin and a pair sculpture of Harlequin and Columbine. The sculptures capture the grace and grace of the dancers incredibly accurately. The artist managed to masterfully capture ballet plastic in porcelain.

Paired sculpture of Harlequin and Columbine from the Paul Scheurich series "Russian Ballet," Meissen Porcelain Manufactory, Bakhrushinsky Museum

In January 2024, the Bakhrushinsky Museum was able to collect a full collection of porcelain sculptures from the series "Russian Ballet" by P. Scheurich.

1710: Foundation of the manufactory

In search of cash, especially at a time of heightened rivalry for the Polish crown, Elector Augustus the Strong of Saxony attracted numerous alchemists and adventurers who promised to get gold from mercury. At the Saxon court, the alchemist Johann Böttger, in search of gold, with the help of the outstanding chemical scientist Walter von Chirnhaus, was the first in Europe to get porcelain. In 1710, at the direction of Augustus, a porcelain manufactory was founded in Meissen.