Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Komi Republic


Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Komi Republic (Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Kazakhstan) is an executive authority of the Komi Republic responsible for the formation and implementation of state policy, legal regulation in the field of (sphere) of labor relations and social partnership, labor protection, state examination of working conditions, employment promotion, population social services, social protection of the population, state support for charitable activities, organization of provision of state services in the field of social protection, including organization of provision of social guarantees to the population in the Komi Republic established by the legislation RUSSIAN FEDERATION and legislation of the Komi Republic, organization of social services to the population, provision of state services in the region (sphere) of social protection of the population, state expertise of working conditions, labor relations and social partnership, the authorized executive body of the Komi Republic for the implementation of regional state control (supervision) in the field of social services, according to citizens in need of social services, to draw up an individual program for the provision of social services, an authorized executive body of the Komi Republic for the implementation of regional state control (supervision) of employment of persons with disabilities within the established quota, as well as the authorized executive body of the Komi Republic coordinating in these areas (spheres) activities of other executive bodies of the Komi Republic[1]
