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Баннер в шапке 2

Moscow regional gas




+ Moscow regional gas

The state unitary enterprise of gas economy of the Moscow region SUE MO Mosoblgaz formed in 1958 during active gasification of the country operates branched gas economy of Moscow area now – the largest in Russia.

More than 41 thousand km work. underground gas pipelines, more than 2.7 million apartments and households, 6,200 household enterprises and also over 2,800 industrial enterprises and boiler houses are installed gas. Gas distribution networks SUE MO Mosoblgaz cover all territory of the Moscow region, and divisions and branches of the company are available in each district of Moscow region. Today in fuel balance of the Moscow region gas occupies more than 82%, and the most part of objects is supplied with natural gas, and the annual volume of its implementation exceeds 17 billion cubic meters.