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Ilya Glazunov Academy of Painting


Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Ilya Glazunov

The Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov is a higher art educational institution. Address: Moscow, Myasnitskaya street, 21, building 1.

Building facade in 2023

The goals of the institution are the revival of the great traditions of the domestic and European fine arts, defending the position of high realism.

Facade of the building from the side of Myasnitskaya street in 2023

In Yushkov's house you can see stairs of the late 18th century, a marble fireplace of the 19th century, fragments of ceiling painting, columns and stucco decoration dating back to the 18th-19th centuries.


1988: Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Art Pedagogy

In the 1980s, it was transferred to the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Art Pedagogy. Later, the institution became the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov.

1918: State Free Art Workshops

In 1918, the State Free Art Workshops were located in Yushkov's house, which were then transformed into the Higher Art and Technical Workshops, and later into the Higher Art and Technical Institute. After that, the building was occupied by various organizations.

1904: New educational and residential buildings, as well as an exhibition hall

At the end of the 19th century, a four-story educational building was added to Yushkov's house in Bobrov Lane, and at the beginning of the 20th century, two eight-story buildings for professors and students were erected in the courtyard of the school. In the same years, according to the drawings of architect Nikolai Kurdyukov, an exhibition hall building was built in the courtyard. Its glazed roof was designed by designer Vladimir Shukhov.

1898: Mikhail Larionov becomes a student at the school. Among the teachers Serov, Korovin and Klyuchevsky

The educational institution received the status of higher in 1896.

In 1898, Mikhail Larionov entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture at the general education department.

During this period, changes took place at the school: new teachers came - V.A. Serov, K.A. Korovin, excellent professors taught general subjects, including a history course taught by V.O. Klyuchevsky. Among others, Larionov met Vladimir Mayakovsky at the school.


MUZHVZ building on the corner of Myasnitskaya and Bobrov Lane (photo 1880-1885)

1865: Beginning of Architecture Teaching

Since 1865, architecture began to be taught at the school.

1844: The Moscow Art Society fully bought the building for 35 thousand rubles

Presumably, in 1844, the Moscow Art Society completely bought the building for 35 thousand rubles in silver.

1838: Moscow Art Society removed one of the halls for drawing classes

In 1838, the Moscow Art Society removed one of the halls for the placement of drawing classes.

1820s: Yushkov House

Yushkov House is one of the most striking monuments of urban architecture. The main manor house consists of two four-story buildings. The facades of the house face Myasnitskaya Street and Bobrov Lane.

The use of architectural techniques with an angular half-tunnel was dictated by new urban planning requirements for the transformation of Moscow. Red city plan lines at intersections prescribed corner rounding. The facades of residential buildings, now facing the street, reflected the prestige of their owners. Similar buildings in Moscow became known as coal houses.

After the death of Lieutenant General Ivan Yushkov, the unfinished house passed to his widow. Then the estate was inherited by their son Peter Yushkov. The house was already completed at the same time. By the 1830s, the owner went bankrupt and began to rent out the premises. A wine store and an office selling paper canvases were opened there.