NPO Intelligent Technical Systems (NPO ITS)
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2022: A cartel was identified during the supply of cameras for fixing traffic violations for 2 billion rubles
The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia has opened a case of violation of antimonopoly legislation against three companies that allegedly supported high prices at tenders for the supply and lease of complexes for automatic recording of traffic violations and services for the development of intelligent transport systems. The press service of the department announced this in mid-December 2022.
FAS suspects LLC Paravane-2000"," LLC "Scientific and Production Association" Intellectual Technical Systems "and LLC" Road control"of collusion at tenders held in the Amur, Volgograd Kurskaya regions and in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Bidding was held for the supply and rental of electrical equipment for ensuring safety and traffic control on roads and for the provision of services for the development of intelligent transport systems.
According to preliminary estimates of the service, the total amount of initial (maximum) contract prices in 6 procurement procedures may amount to over 2 billion rubles.
Signs of a competition-limiting agreement (cartel) were identified by the antimonopoly service, including by using digital tools and monitoring procurement procedures. If the cartel agreement is confirmed, companies face a fine in the amount of 10% to 50% of the initial cost of purchases (part 2 of the 14.32 Administrative Code).
According to data from open sources, all three companies against which the FAS opened a case are registered in Moscow. All of them have already taken part in public procurement for the needs of the Volgograd region, and some even boast of numerous and multimillion-dollar contracts.
So, for example, in March of this year, Road Control LLC for almost six million rubles carried out work on the development and maintenance of a digital platform for the development of mechanisms for social interaction between citizens with executive authorities of the Volgograd region, local governments of municipalities of the region. [1]