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NextIO company - solution provider of the next generation for high-performance hybrid clusters based on GPU processors of Tesla. Such solutions lately became widely known around the world: now practically all supercomputers are constructed of TOP-100 list on the hybrid technology including both standard CPU processors, and high-performance GPU processors. The cost of similar hybrid clusters is many times lower, than traditional supercomputers based on CPU processors, and this circumstance offers good prospects of sales of these solutions in all industry segments of the market. Already today similar technologies found broad application in oil and gas, geological and financial area and also in the field of multimedia, medicine, mechanical engineering, education and many other branches of the economy.


"The solutions NextIO at rather low cost allow to achieve performance necessary for many customers in tens and even hundreds teraflop. Today there is a large number of customers for whom the high-performance computing connected with solving of tasks of modeling and forecasting is necessary. Products and NextIO technologies will give them the chance to reach solutions of their tasks qualitatively new level, - Grigory Shevchenko, the commercial director of the company says Open technologies. - For steady operation of any supercomputer including a hybrid cluster, observance of requirements to a klimatika and power supply is very important. And though at hybrid clusters these requirements are significantly lower, than at traditional supercomputers, special preparation of premises is all the same necessary. Our company has very wide experience on creation of data processing centers and server premises which we, certainly, will apply also during creation of hybrid solutions".