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Nizhnevolzhsky Commercial Bank NVKbank


Russian bank, which worked until the beginning of 2020.


2024: Ex-head Vladimir Kravtsev found responsible for bank debts worth ₽4,6 billion and will pay them

The Arbitration Court of the Volga District on October 1, 2024 confirmed the decision of the lower instances to bring to subsidiary liability the former chairman of the board of NVKbank JSC Vladimir Kravtsev. According to the court ruling, the ex-head of the bank is obliged to pay at least ₽4,6 billion to pay off the debts of the credit institution. Read more here


The arrest of the board of directors of Vladimir Kravtsev

In October 2020, the Court arrested the board of directors of NVK-Bank Vladimir Kravtsev. He is suspected of fraud on an especially large scale. The investigation believes that the bank's management withdrew 2.9 billion rubles from the bank within two years, which could have caused its bankruptcy. The criminal case was initiated back in June 2020, but there were no suspects in it. 

Not only the bank collapsed, but also other companies from the Bouquet group (rural assets, Trolls) of the friend of the Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin Vladislav Burov.

Criminal case

The actions that led to the revocation of the license and the bankruptcy of the NVK bank were regarded by the investigating and supervisory authorities as fraudulent. On June 4, 2020, it became known about the initiation of a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that officials and employees of the bank may be involved in the withdrawal of funds from the accounts of the organization totaling 2.9 billion rubles. Beneficiaries declare their readiness to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

The reason for the check was an appeal to the supervisory authority of the regulator - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The audit established that in 2016-2017, the management and employees of the bank (according to Kommersant's information, we are talking about NVK Bank) committed illegal actions - the withdrawal of assets, which caused damage to the bank in the amount of more than 2.9 billion rubles and, subsequently, led to its bankruptcy.

A number of officials concluded loan agreements with organizations that have dubious solvency or are obviously not solvent, the funds transferred to them were stolen by withdrawing to the accounts of "technical" organizations and cashing them out.

Bank declared bankrupt

On February 14, 2020, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation appealed to the Arbitration Court of the Saratov Region with a statement declaring the organization bankrupt. In accordance with the court's decision of March 23, the application was recognized as justified. The materials of the arbitration case indicate that the amount of assets (property) at the date of revocation of the license amounted to 7.35 billion rubles, liabilities - 9.6 billion rubles. Thus, the value of the bank's liabilities exceeds the size of assets by 2.25 billion rubles. JSC was declared bankrupt, bankruptcy proceedings were opened against it for a period of one year.

According to the Bank of Russia, the credit institution ranked 179th in terms of assets in the banking system of the Russian Federation.

Central Bank revokes bank license

On January 24, 2020, the Central Bank revoked the license for banking activities from the Nizhnevolzhsky Commercial Bank (NVKbank). The regulator believes that there was a threat to the interests of creditors and depositors.

"Due to the credit institution's failure to perform... federal laws regulating banking activities, as well as regulations of the Bank of Russia... revoke the banking license from NVKbank JSC from January 24, 2020, "the order says.

NVKbank worked in the Saratov region and ranked 179th in terms of assets in the banking system of Russia.

Among the participants are also JSC BS Trade (19.9%), JSC TD Yantarny (9.9%), JSC Farrel (9.9%), JSC Nemi (9.9%), JSC Lovir (9.9%), JSC Ontario (10%) and CJSC Huron (10%). The main beneficiary of the credit institution is called businessman Vladislav Burov (19.9%). Mister Burov owns Solar Products Holding JSC, declared bankrupt in September 2019. Most of the enterprises of Solar Products were bankrupt under a simplified scheme under the claims of Rusagro Group of Companies and came under the control of this company.

1990: Establishment of the Bank

Nizhnevolzhsky Commercial Bank was established in Saratov in 1990.