Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Odintsovo (residence of the President of the Russian Federation)




1996-2002: Reconstruction and status of the residence of the President of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the UDP of the Russian Federation in 1996 transferred the Vostryakovo boarding house to the Bor OK.

From 1996 to 2002, the Odintsovo historical and architectural complex was reconstructed and created. IAC "Odintsovo" has the official status of the Residence of the President of the Russian Federation and is intended to ensure rest and activities of heads of higher authorities.

1946: All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Central Committee boarding house

After the war, a greenhouse appeared on the territory of the park and a new two-story building was built. In the estate the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Central Committee boarding house took place and functioned.

1925: Air Force Pilots Rest House

After the October Revolution, the estate fell into the hands of the Soviet state. First, a hospital was located in the main house, in 1925 it was transformed into a rest house for Air Force pilots. It was here that, after the amputation of his legs, he was treated, learned to walk on prostheses by the legendary Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Meresyev.


Russian entrepreneur, philanthropist and philanthropist Varvara Morozova on the terrace in the Odintsovo-Arkhangelskoye estate. 1900s.

1891-1894: The purchase of the estate by V.E. Morozov and its restructuring according to the project of architect F.O. Shekhtel

In 1891, the founder of the Vikulovichi, Vikula Eliseevich Morozov, bought the Odintsovo-Arkhangelskoye estate in the Podolsk district in the name of his wife, although before that they preferred to shoot summer cottages in the near Moscow region or went to Crimea.

Vikula Eliseevich Morozov made a complete restructuring of the estate according to the project of architect F.O. Shekhtel in 1892-1894 - a whole architectural ensemble was created. All the structures of the estate, including the power plant, were made in a single style - the emerging Art Nouveau. In addition to the main house, an office outbuilding, a manager's house, and a greenhouse were erected. Adjacent to the house was a vast park with landscape and regular parts, nearby was a pond with an island, which was connected by a canal to the river, an imelas access alley lined with linden and fir.

Series of changes of ownership

Odintsovo-Arkhangelsk - the estate of the widow of the diplomat Prince B.I. Kurakina Prince A.I. Kurakina (nee Shuvalova) has been known since 1767; was again arranged at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. lieutenant colonel M.P. Naryshkin, in the per. half of the XIX century. owned by the landowner N.V. Okhotnikova, then chamberlain I.F. Pokhvisnev, in the middle of the century - his son lieutenant L.I. Pokhvisnev, then successively - captain Prince. A.B. Golitsyn and Ivanovs.