Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



The Overkom company is developer and solution provider in the field of remote control systems and switching of interfaces for all verticals of the market. Direct partnership with producers of IT solutions allows us to offer the market the certified systems.

Key vendors: Aten, Samsung, Panasonic, TNTv Digital Signage, Kramer Electronics, Evetron

Key solutions:

  • Systems of video display (professional panels, videowalls, LED screens),
  • Switching and management (lengthening of signals on different Wednesdays and technologies, matrix switching, converting of interfaces and signals, management of sources and means of video display, modern technologies of signal processing),
  • Solution KVM (KVM extenders, KVM switches, KVM of the console, KVM of a matrix),
  • Ensuring smooth operation of systems (uninterruptible power supply units, monitoring systems, the protected solutions, reservation of channels)