Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Paulig Group


Number of employees
2017 year
  • It is founded in 1876.
  • The main activity - production of food
  • In Russia since 1990
  • In 2011, the plant in Tver is constructed.
  • In holding - 4 divisions
  • Production is in 7 countries, offices in 13
  • 2000 people of employees are more white

Paulig Group and its subsidiary companies located in the countries of Scandinavia, the Baltics and in Russia make the coffee Paulig Group division. The company was founded in 1876 and still is in family ownership. Paulig Group concert – the recognized expert in the field of coffee, spices and ethnic products.

Paulig Group and its subsidiary companies located in the countries of Scandinavia, the Baltics and in Russia make the coffee Paulig Group division. The company was founded in 1876 and still is in family ownership. Paulig Group concert – the recognized expert in the field of coffee, spices and ethnic products. The mission of the company – the best tastes for the unforgettable moments!.

Today Paulig is the leader of coffee category in Finland the Baltic States, and one of the main players among producers of natural coffee in Russia. Thanks to the wide range each gourmet will find to itself coffee to taste. Provides flexible solutions on purchases of coffee for a segment of hotel-restaurant-cafe and offices Paulig and the training programs. The headquarters and the largest frying workshop of Paulig Group company it is located in Helsinki, Finland.