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Pedagogical Institute of Irkutsk State University




2014: Joining Irkutsk State University

In 2014, the East Siberian State Academy of Education became part of Irkutsk State University as a structural unit.


For more than a century of its existence, the All-Russian State Autonomous Autonomous Okrug has come a long way, ensuring the growth of the scientific potential of the Siberian region.

As of 2013, the East Siberian State Academy of Education provided training in 12 enlarged groups and 22 areas. Higher education in two levels of study: bachelor's and master's, training was carried out in seven faculties and in two institutes. The rules for admission to the VSGAO complied with the main provisions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The university provided all the links of postgraduate professional education: postgraduate and doctoral studies, a wide range of additional education was developed.

2009: Transformation into East Siberian State Academy of Education

July 17, 2009 Irkutsk State Pedagogical University was transformed into the East Siberian State Academy of Education (VSGAO).

1997: Transformation into Irkutsk State Pedagogical University

In 1997, the Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute (IGPI) was transformed into the Irkutsk State Pedagogical University (IGPU).

1966: Assigning the university the status of the first (highest) category

In 1966, by order of the Minister of Education of the RSFSR, the Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute was assigned the status of a university of the first (highest) category.


In 1957, the Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute was transferred from the third to the second category of universities of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR.

1931: Disbandment of Irkutsk State University and opening of East Siberian Industrial Pedagogical Institute

On April 20, 1931, by a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR, the ISU was disbanded and the Institute of Soviet Construction, the Institute of Law, the Irkutsk Medical Institute and the East Siberian Industrial Pedagogical Institute (on the basis of the pedagogical faculty of the ISU) were opened on its basis.

1921: Transformation into the Faculty of Education of Irkutsk State University

On September 1, 1921, the East Siberian Pedagogical Institute of Public Education was transformed into the Pedagogical Faculty of Irkutsk State University.

1920: Transformation into the East Siberian Pedagogical Institute of Public Education

On August 21, 1920, by the Decree of the Irkutsk Gubrevkom in Irkutsk, the East Siberian Pedagogical Institute of Public Education was opened with the transformation of the Irkutsk Teachers Institute and the transfer of its property, building and library with faculty to a new university.


The building in which the Teachers' Institute was located

In 1917, there was a transformation under the leadership of the director, court adviser, candidate of theology Alexander Mikhailovich Remezov of the Irkutsk Teachers Institute into an educational institution for the training of teachers of I, II and III levels on the basis of the education reform of the Provisional Government.

1909: Opening of the Teachers' Institute

The history of the educational institution originates from the opening in 1909 of the Teachers Institute "According to the order of the Minister of Education A.N. Schwartz, Highly Approved by Emperor Nicholas II."