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SPB Practical Safety Systems



+ InfoTEX (Infotecs)

The company "Practical Security Systems" (LLC "SPB") was formed in 2014. The team was based on specialists who gained MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX St. Petersburg practical experience in the field of creating tools and systems at enterprises. cryptographic information protection

The scientific and production potential and a high level of competence allows SPB to carry out on its own a complex of research and development work in the field of creating SKZI, secure information systems, hardware security modules, including using quantum key distribution systems. Leading employees of the company are permanent members of the Technical Committee for Standardization of Cryptographic Information Protection (TK-26).

The main activities of SPB are:

  • Development of high-end CSI based on proprietary hardware and software solutions.
  • Development of software for secure systems of various purposes.
  • Production of CSI.
  • Creation of secure data exchange networks on the basis of SKZI of its own development.
  • Implementation and maintenance of CSI and protected systems operation.

The company "Practical Security Systems" has an Accreditation Certificate in the System for Certification of Information Protection Equipment according to Security Requirements (SZI-GT) of the FSB of the Russian Federation as a test laboratory. He has a certificate of compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015), in relation to the development, production, repair, testing, maintenance and sale of electronic products and software, as well as research in the field of information security. Licensee of the FSB of the Russian Federation.