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Баннер в шапке 2

Progress software



7Intec - 75%
Knowledge - 25%
as of February, 2016



+ Pushkina Olga Sergeyevna

The company renders services on all to the scraper of creation and maintenance of information systems: beginning from the business analysis, development of terms of reference, formation of the engineering design, development of solution components, integration, testing and to the organization of implementation and further maintenance with the customer's specialists.

According to interlocutors of TAdviser, "Progress software" is a developer of a number of components of a system of collection of a payment on account of the indemnification caused to public highways of federal importance by the vehicles having the permitted maximum weight over 12 tons — Platon. In particular the company was engaged in creation of the front office of a system and mobile applications for it.

Indirectly this information is confirmed by the curriculum vitae of the former employees "Progress of software" which are posted online. So, one of them writes that it participated in creation of mobile application on the Windows platform of Phone 8.1 which allows drivers to create route charts of trips, to pay bills, to fill up the personal account and so forth.

2016: The developer of Platon connects regions to a monitoring system of the national conflicts

Learn more: Project:Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs (Monitoring system of the international relations)

2018: Collusion "Progress of software" and Regioncom

By FAS of the Russian Federation recognized the Progress Software company known in the market as the sorazrabotchik of a system of collection of a payment from the Platon trucks, and ex-structure of RostecRegioncom — violated the antitrust law of Russia[1].

Within consideration of the case the service established that the anti-competitive agreement was implemented at 22 biddings on the right of the conclusion of government contracts to rendering IT services for needs of the state organizations in 2015-2016. "Total amount of the starting maximum prices of contracts was about 140 million rubles", says FAS.

Define on what tenders there could be collusion of the specified suppliers, at the time of the publication of material it was not represented possible — since evening on May 10, 2018. The website of state procurements works unstably.

According to FAS, the cartel was implemented as follows: there was actual rejection from competitive struggle at biddings and also the section of auctions between agreement parties.

Besides, "formal" visibility of competitive struggle on participation in the auction held by the state and municipal organizations and maintenance of the starting maximum prices of contracts was created. Often lost bidder became a subsupplier under the contract, notes the regulator.
