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Public fiscal service of Ukraine (State Courier Service)



2016: Loss 3 Tbyte of data

On April 18, 2016 it became known of loss of a huge number of information from servers of the Public fiscal service of Ukraine (State Courier Service). Data were gone in result of six-day technical failures. The online edition Hubs which published the copy of the document of the order of the head of department Roman Nasirov of  April 1 "About results of check" reported about it. The document is placed here.

The State Courier Service of Ukraine lost 3 Tbyte of data because of failure in the IT system

Because of failure in work of the information system "Management of Documents" from December 6 to December 11, 2015 the State Courier Service lost about 3 Tbyte of information, including 531 thousand electronic documents, 26 thousand registration cards, 3.1 thousand control cards, etc.

From technical aspect the event is explained by "emergence and  accumulation of errors in  Hitachi VSP storage system which resulted in  impossibility of creation of the backup copy of a system and  loss of data", a result of what there was    "overheating of the server hardware caused by inadequate system operation of cooling, failures in work, switching off of the electric power, lack of documentation on the equipment placed in the server premises, lack of system maintenance of data storage".

The source notes that the cost of the lost information can be measured by billions or even tens of billions of dollars.

As for results of check, all responsibility for an incident was conferred on the former associate director of development department of IT Doronin D. V. and also several employees who incurred authority punishments.[1]

As reported on April 18, 2016 the Interfax Ukraine agency in the press service of the State Courier Service, to confirm authenticity of the document of the order published in media, it is not possible yet.[2]
