Quality of business
Since 2002
Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
630055, Moussa Dzhalil St. 3/1
The eQuality Solutions company (Kachestvo businessa LLC) was founded in 2002, generally for rendering services in application development for the Lotus Notes/Domino platform, and the company still holds leader positions on this direction in the Siberian region.
In 2003 the company received the status of the business partner and reseller IBM according to the PartnerWorld for Software program.
In 2006 we also began to be engaged in development for the Microsoft.NET platform, and already executed several significant projects.
In 2009 the company received the status Microsoft Certified Partner according to the Microsoft Partner Program program.
Now the main activities of the company are:
- Business process automation and document flow using own products
- Application development under the order for the Lotus Domino and Microsoft.NET platforms
- Implementation of the most popular products IBM Lotus is Notes and Domino, Sametime, Quickr and also delivery of software licenses of IBM.
Most of employees of the company have certificates of IBM Lotus and Microsoft that confirms our qualification in these development areas.