Since 1991
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
197342, Torzhkovskaya St., 5, office 4006
The main activities of holding are design, construction, Research and Development and implementation of the innovative technologies. Main customers of REGUL Ltd are divisions of the Administration of Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, the Pskov region, Krasnoyarsk Krai and the enterprise of the former RAO UES of the Russian Federation.
Since 2000 the company invests means in own developments of software products for information technologies in the field of management of the enterprises, the organizations and organizations.
To group of young scientists and specialists of REGUL Ltd under the direction of the Dr.Sci.Tech., professor S. Alatyrsky it was succeeded to create absolutely new technology of information support of enterprise management of COBRA ++, meeting all requirements of successful business and allowing to work according to dynamics of development of modern economy which is based on exact informing and instant processing of the acquired information.