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2022: Conflict between ex-owner of the company Yu.Izachik and top managers

In February 2022, the Moscow Region Arbitration Court rejected the lawsuit of the former owner of Rostagrocomplex Yuri Izachik, who demanded that the agreement to donate 85% of the company to five top managers of the Rostagrocomplex group be invalidated.

The company is known for the brand of curd cheese "B. Yu. Alexandrov," after the death of its co-founder Boris Alexandrov, a corporate dispute arose between its co-owners.

Izachik claims that he signed a gift agreement in a serious physical and emotional state after the operation under the influence of deception and delusion. He was convinced that the company was in a difficult financial position and in the event of bankruptcy he would be responsible for its debts as the sole owner.

Yuri Izachik owned 100% of Rostagrocomplex from its founding until September 16, 2021. After the death of Boris Alexandrov, Mr. Izachik handed over 17% of the company to top managers Babachenko, Kshennikova, Makarova, Reznikova and Khrapunova. After Yuri Izachik challenged the gift agreement, a case was instituted against him on coercion to a transaction (part 2 of article 179 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). In November, the Tverskoy court of Moscow in absentia arrested Mr. Izachik, who was in the United States at that time.