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Round table of industrialists on cooperation with the European Union


NP Krugly stol promyshlennikov po sotrudnichestvu s European Union (PCB) represents informal consolidation of representatives of the industrial and business community of Russia and the European Union (EU) which are most interested in deepening of economic relations between the Russian Federation and European Union. Creation of PCB was supported by the Summit Russia-EU in July, 1997. From the moment of the organization the Round table developed to the level of the permanent Russian-European business forum supporting continuous discussion of the economic relations of the parties. The recommendations of PCB are submitted to the political management on the eve of the Summits Russia-EU.

Core of PCB is its Council which tasks is among: support of continuous dialog between business community of Russia and the EU on the one hand and the political management — with another on the most topical issues of the economic relations of Russia and the European Union; development of joint recommendations about improvement of terms of trade and investment, to development of business cooperation for the purpose of assistance to formation of a common economic space of Russia-EU; providing to the political management, including participants of the Summits Russia-EU, the joint recommendations and separate statements of PCB; participation in public discussions on strategic questions of the Russian-European relations on the basis of the joint recommendations of PCB; formation of branched structure of the Working groups for participation in industry dialogs Russia-EU.