Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

RubEx: Kurskrezinotekhnika




Our holding is a producer of industrial rubber products of Russia and the CIS countries. Under the auspices of holding 2 largest enterprises are combined with rich history and experience in production of industrial rubber products (JSC Kurskrezinotekhnika, JSC Saransk Plant Rezinotekhnika).

The enterprises of our holding specialize in production of conveyer belts (conveyor tapes), sleeves of high pressure and industrial sleeves. In addition to the main production direction, we also make the wide list of RTI such as technical plate, mating rings, cups and others.

Products of our holding meet the fundamental industry standards of quality (GOST, ISO, the specification) that was repeatedly noted both by diplomas of different industry shows and responses of end consumers.