Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Russian club of operators


Number of employees
2017 year

The Russian Club of Operators non-profit partnership is registered by Management of Federal registration service across St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region in coordination with the Government of the Russian Federation (The order of the Russian Prime Minister No. 856-r of 6/9/2006 about consent on use of the name "Russian" in the name of Partnership).

The Russian Club of Operators non-profit partnership is the non-profit organization based on membership. Partnerstva is the supreme body of management the General meeting of members Partnerstva. In breaks between meetings of general meetings Partnership performs management permanent collegiate organ of management – Board Partnerstva. Board Partnerstva approves Programs of activity Partnerstva, Profit and loss budgets Partnerstva. The individual administrative organ Partnerstva - the director Partnerstva is accountable to board.


In 2003 to the 300 anniversary of St. Petersburg the Central museum of communication of   A.S. Popov was open. The building of the museum equipped state-of-the-art became the popular venue of different industry actions of operators.

The organization which will deal with issues of preparation and holding industry actions was required. Besides, the Ministry of Communications also needed the organization which could perform off-budget financing of actions of the ministry which carrying out financing for one reason or another was not provided by the federal budget.

To it actions were carried the following:

  • Working and grand welcomes with workers of the industry of the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, his deputies, heads of departments of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and heads of the federal agencies subordinated to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications;

  • Working and grand welcomes with pupils of averages, average special and higher educational institutions of the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, his deputies, heads of departments of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and heads of the federal agencies subordinated to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications;

  • Working and grand welcomes with veterans of the industry of the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, his deputies, heads of departments of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and heads of the federal agencies subordinated to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications;

  • Actions with participation of the management of the International Telecommunication Union, Universal Postal Union and United Nations;

  • Preparation and holding press conferences and briefings for the purpose of covering of above-mentioned actions.


Founders of NP Russian Club of Operators became:

  • Telecommunication Forum non-profit partnership;

  • VolgaTelecom open joint stock company;

  • Far East Company of Telecommunication open joint stock company;

  • North-West Telecom open joint stock company;

  • Sibirtelecom open joint stock company;

  • Telekominvest open joint stock company;

  • Uralsvyazinform open joint stock company;

  • Central Telecommunication Company open joint stock company;

  • Southern Telecommunication Company open joint stock company;

  • "Telecommunications System, Information Sciences and Communications" private company;

  • "Center of Development of Information Society" fund.

Programs of activity

Within November-December, 2006 and all 2007 NP RKS performed development and approval of the Ministry of information technologies and communications and members of Partnership of programs of activity of Partnership. The main programs of activity were developed and founded at meetings of General meetings of members of NP RKS:

Organizational and material maintenance of industry actions

  • working and grand welcomes with workers of the industry of the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, his deputies, heads of departments of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and heads of the federal agencies subordinated to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications;

  • working and grand welcomes with pupils of averages, average special and higher educational institutions of the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, his deputies, heads of departments of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and heads of the federal agencies subordinated to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications;

  • working and grand welcomes with veterans of the industry of the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications, his deputies, heads of departments of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and heads of the federal agencies subordinated to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications;

  • actions with participation of the management of the International Telecommunication Union, Universal Postal Union and United Nations;

  • preparation and holding press conferences and briefings for the purpose of covering of above-mentioned actions.

Preparation and holding industry cultural events

  • Day of the safe Internet

  • Put Radio

  • Day of Russian Post

  • Day of the Programmer

  • World day of mail

  • Day of the military operator

Carrying out industry tenders of professional skill

  • Preparation and carrying out the All-Russian tender "Class Teacher of Year" in the system of Open Source of Federal Communications Agency

  • Preparation and carrying out the All-Russian tender "Teacher of Year" in the system of Open Source of Federal Communications Agency

Formation of a talent pool of the communications industry and mass communications of the Russian Federation

  • All-Russian network of the centers of scientific and technical creativity of youth

  • Organizational and material and technical support of Youth communication community

  • Preparation and holding All-Russian communication games

  • Preparation and holding the All-Russian Olympic Games on information technologies

  • Preparation and holding the All-Russian Olympic Games on physics of   A.S. Popov

  • Project of Regulations on a talent pool of the communications industry and mass communications of the Russian Federation

  • Development of the automated control system for process of formation and arrangement of a talent pool (KR ACS)

  • Technical support of an ACS of KR

In  2007 — 2010. Partnership within programs holds the following events:

  • The II Tender of young journalists Yamal-St. Petersburg;

  • Visit of the Secretary general of ITU Hamadun Ture;

  • Visit of the Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications to St. Petersburg;

  • Visit of the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation   I.O. Shchegolev;

  • World day of mail (World Post Day) on October 9;

  • All-Russian communication games;

  • Mail three-2009;

  • Press conference of the CEO of UNESCO mister Koichiro Matsuura;

  • Svyaz-Expokomm-2009;

  • Grand opening of new office Vaynakh Telecom Ltd;

  • Solemn evening in honor of   A.S. Popov's 150 anniversary;

  • Meeting with the CEO of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) Eduard Dayan;

  • A propaganda motor rally to the Chechen republic;

  • Intercom-2009;

  • Day of the military operator  — on October 20;

  • Day of the Programmer;

  • Put Radio  — on May 7;

  • Day of Russian Post;

  • Participation in work of the Organizing committee of Year of the Safe Internet;

  • The All-Russian Olympic Games on information science;

  • The All-Russian Olympic Games on physics of   A.S. Popov;