Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2



The enterprise releasing railway cars; container tank; vessels for storage of a compressed and liquefied gas, oil products; and other products of mechanical engineering.


Revenue millions

Number of employees
2017 year

JSC Russian Corporation of Transport Mechanical Engineering (JSC RKTM) is industrial holding of transport mechanical engineering, it is created based on intensively developing enterprises of a car-building complex of JSC Car-building Company of Mordovia (VKM Group).

Control of manufacturing enterprises is exercised by the management company created on August 4, 2010. Now Management Company of RKTM Holding LLC integrates JSC Ruzkhimmash, VKM-STAL LLC, JSC Vismouth, JSC Neon, VKM-service LLC, VKM-Engineering LLC.


Now the plant releases railway tanks, gondola cars, platforms, a container tank, the equipment for automobile gas-filiing stations, shutoff valves, the various equipment for oil-and-gas and processing industry, agricultural machinery (sprayers and press sorters).


The plant began the work on February 21, 1961. Then, in 1992 there was a reorganization as a result of which JSC Ruzkhimmash was created. In 2003 based on joint stock company "Car-building Company of Mordovia" (CBCM) was organized, and in 2007 on its base JSC Russian Corporation of Transport Mechanical Engineering (RCTME) was created. In 2011 to the JSC Ruzkhimmash plant 50 years were performed; anniversary matched release of the 50-thousand car.


For all history of existence of the JSC Ruzkhimmash plant the following famous people participated:

  • Leonid Sergeyevich Larin (first director) (1959)
  • Fyodor Mikhaylovich Burko
  • Nikolay Fyodorovich Shadchnev
  • Yuli Fillimonovich Surdolenko
  • Nikolay Vasilyevich Burmistrov, CEO (1992 — 2010).