Northeastern State University (NSU)
Science and education
Since 1960
Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation
685000 Portovaya St., 13,
Since 1960
Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation
685000 Portovaya St., 13,
Northeastern State University, SVGU (earlier Northern international university (1992-2007) and Magadan State Teacher Training College (MSTTC) (1960-1992)).
For July, 2018 has the following structure:
- Philological
- Pedagogical
- Social and humanitarian
- Natural sciences and mathematics
- Management, economy and finance
- Additional professional education
Departments of the university
- department of the motor transport
- department of algebra and geometry
- department of English
- department of biology
- department of general history and history of Russia
- department of the higher mathematics
- department of geology
- department of mining
- department of foreign languages
- department of information science
- department of surveying case and geodesy
- department of management
- department of German
- department of pedagogics
- department of pedagogics and psychology of elementary education and preschool education
- department of jurisprudence
- department of industrial and civil engineering
- department of psychology
- department of the Russian philology and journalism
- department of sociology and political science
- department of the theory and technique of primary education
- department of physics
- department of physical training
- department of philosophy
- department of economy and finance