Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Secondary school No. 1 named after L.B. Ermina s. Zasechnoye


Education and Science
Since 2023
Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation
440514, Penza region, m. Penza district, p. Zasechny Village Council, s. Zasechnoye, st. Alaya, d. 12


+ Ministry of Education of the Penza Region

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 1 named after LB Yermin of the village of Zasechnoye (MBOU secondary school No. 1 named after LB Yermin s. Zasechnoye) carries out educational activities under the following programs:

  • primary general education;
  • basic general education;
  • secondary general education;
  • additional education for children and adults.


2023: Creation

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 1 with. Zasechnoye was created on the basis of the Decree of the Administration of the Penza District of the Penza Region No. 2323 of July 31, 2023.