Si SeaProject Project
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
198095, Marshal Govorov St., 52
Si Proyekt Ltd is some participants of the market of creation of software solutions for ensuring information support of lifecycle and safe operation of difficult knowledge-intensive products. The information systems developed by Si Proyekt Ltd are aimed at process automation of maintenance of technical readiness of products, maintenance and repair (MRO) and also other problems of the integrated logistical support (ILS). Use of products of Si Proyekt Ltd allows the enterprises to minimize operating costs and to considerably reduce different risks of operation for all lifecycle of the equipment.
Specialization of Si Proyekt Ltd:
- Development and deployment of the software products solving problems of the integrated logistical support (ILS)
- Consulting in a scope of technologies of the integrated logistical support.
The area of solutions and services includes the following main directions:
- Development and deployment of the systems of information support of operation of the difficult equipment (the systems of a class EAM PLM) allowing the enterprises to minimize operating costs and considerably to reduce risks of operation of the difficult equipment for all lifecycle
- Development and deployment of the information systems, for automation of process of preparation and support of data and documents (a problem of PDM) allowing the big enterprises to create and support large arrays of information in current status
- Development of the interactive operational and repair documentation allowing producers of difficult technical products to increase competitiveness of the products
- Development and deployment of management systems for an emergency situation for prevention of dangerous situations and minimization of effects of accidents
- Development and deployment of complexes of control of technical means for automation in the field of military industrial complex, transport, on power objects, in the industrial sphere
Development of interactive electronic technical guidances
The Interactive Electronic Technical Guidances (IETG) are a modern method of submission of operational documentation on technical products, known around the world. Creation of IETR allows to increase attractiveness of the created products; for many large acquirers of the equipment (the transport and power enterprises, mining companies, the Defense Ministries) existence of interactive operational documents on the purchased products is the compulsory provision. During creation of IETR it is necessary to consider requirements of different standards (the recommendations of Gosstandart P 50.1. *, the international S1000D) to own necessary program tools and to have certain experience. At our enterprise the technology of creation of IETR on the basis of the available design and/or operational documentation is created and fulfilled. Within creation of IETR the full stroke of works is executed, including:
- assessment of labor input of creation of IETR by the fulfilled technique;
- scanning and recognition of documents of any format (including without razbroshyurovka);
- creation of additional illustrative materials in the form of 3-dimensional models, animation rollers, schemes, photos, etc.;
- installation of hyperlinks;
- approval and statement of IETR.
Use of the software of Seamatica for creation of IETR and wide experience in accomplishment of similar works allows us to solve problems of creation of big arrays of interactive documentation in a short time. For the organizations which are going to develop IETR independently the Si Project company carries out special rates consultations on use of the software of Seamatica for creation of the interactive managements.
Creation of the training and training complexes
When using the modern equipment of a problem of training play one of paramount roles. Learning process cannot be provided without use of computer simulators and the training programs today. Depending on needs of the customer we can offer different options of implementation of the training and training complexes, beginning from the interactive training programs based on IETR and finishing with the multifunction training and training centers equipped with models of the equipment and the modern multimedia equipment.
3D modeling, development of interactive 3-dimensional models
The 3-dimensional model is the most evident method to provide a product on the display of the computer. Use of 3-dimensional models in development process and productions is usual. Besides, 3-dimensional models can be used as a basis for creation of demonstration or advertizing films, the training programs, other types of the software. At the same time, depending on purpose of 3-dimensional model, the technology of its creation and the used simulars should be different. Specialists of our company have experience in creation of 3-dimensional models of different function using the most modern tools. On the basis of the available 3-dimensional models by us the software using "game" computer technologies (Ogre platform) can be created.
Software development
Software development is to order performed by Si Project company using the modern languages of programming: C# Java, C/C ++ for operating systems of family Windows and Unix/Linux, MSAF. We have an experience of creation of classical (desktop) and also WEB and SOA- the focused applications, the built-in software. Process of creation of the software is certified according to requirements of ISO 9000. At the request of the customer documentation on created by software can be issued according to requirements of ESPD or RUP.
Modeling of processes using DELMIA
The Si Project company is one of the few domestic enterprises having experience of use of DELMIA – the most modern system allowing to model processes of use of the equipment on the basis of 3-dimensional model. Use of the equipment before its creation allows to test uses of DELMIA (on the basis of 3-dimensional model), for example, to carry out ergonomic expertize or to estimate time which will leave at the operator on implementation of the main transactions. The important direction of use of DELMIA is modeling of emergency situations on different objects using which it is possible to estimate approximate time of evacuation of personnel, availability of individual means of protecting in accident development, availability of means of communication, etc.
Development and production of hardware and software systems in the protected execution
The Si Project company has experience of development, production, and certification of the hardware-software computer and managing systems intended for placement on objects to which special requirements are imposed: in production premises, as a part of military equipment, in special climatic conditions, on vzryvo-and fire-dangerous objects. For creation of computer systems on similar objects universal server MDUI.466535.XXX (different modifications) can be used. Server MDUI.466535.XXX is a highly reliable complex, with the built-in system of uninterrupted power supply from 2 independent lines both redundant computing modules and network equipment. The server provides a connectivity to 30 external devices of an Ethernet network.
Creation of hardware and software systems of data recording
Information on a status of objects of the increased danger should be registered constantly to have an opportunity precisely to set the reasons of a possible emergency situation. Usually for data recording on such objects the highly reliable devices of registration ensuring safety of information in case of accident are used. The Si Project company has experience of creation of hardware and software systems of registration based on the aviation protected drives of domestic production. Such complexes of registration have high reliability, compactness and rather low cost.