Sibron Sibron
Since 1995
Siberian Federal District of the Russian Federation
664033, Lermontova 134, office 108
Top managers:
Karatuyev Victor Grigoryevich
Revenue from delivery of a computer hardware
- 960011,5 (2005)
- 903850 (2004)
Revenue from delivery of peripheral equipment
- 7680092 (2005)
- 7230789,6 (2004)
Vypuchka from telecommunication equipment
- 30539129,16 (2005)
- 29153744,46 (2004)
Revenue from delivery of network equipment
- 14400172,5 (2005)
- 13557730,5 (2004)
Revenue from delivery of other types of the equipment
- 42421738,84 (2005)
- 39538755,44 (2004)
Revenue from supply of equipment, all
- 96001150 (2005)
- 90384870 (2004)
Proceeds from sales of licenses for business applications
- 3500000 (2005)
- 3000000 (2004)
Proceeds from sales of licenses on office software - 500000 (2005)
Revenue from services in creation of IT infrastructure 1500000 (2004)
Revenue from services of implementation of business applications. - 3000000 (2005)
Revenue from services in software development to order
- 500000 (2005)
- 500000 (2004)
Revenue from other types of service in the field of IT
- 13327100 (2005)
- 11 990 760 (2004)
Structure of revenue of the company in Siberian Federal District
- 212829394 (2005)
- 197760500 (2004)