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According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Sirokko Digital LLC was registered in Moscow on October 16, 2019 with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles. Julia Mankos directly owns 0.1% of its shares in it, and 69.4% of its shares through Sirokko Technologies LLC.
Representatives of VTB in April 2020 did not answer a question from CNews about who Julia Mancos is. None of the CNews sources close to the situation have information about this woman. One of the interlocutors of the editorial office suggested that it is not directly related to VTB or Technoserv.
Search engines do not find corporate sites of Sirocco Technology and Sirocco Digital at this time.
2020: Receiving 100% from VTB at Technoserv Management
On January 16, 2020, Sirocco Digital migrated from VTB to the 100 percent share of Technoserv in Technoserv management LLC. According to CNews, the transactions were commercial.
Obtaining 82.4% share in Reksoft
On December 30, 2019, Sirokko Digital transferred from VTB to the 82.4 percent share of Technoserv Group in the IT company Reksoft (LLC Group Reksoft).
Registration of legal entities: TS-service LLC, TS-fintech LLC, TS-innotech LLC and TS digital technologies LLC
On one day on December 30, 2019, Sirocco Digital registered four new legal entities, the name of which contains a characteristic combination of the letters "TS" ("Technoserv"): TS-service LLC, TS-fintech LLC, TS-Innotech LLC and TS Digital Technologies LLC.