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Softline Ukraine


Information Technology
01033, st. Gorky, d. 33V

Top managers:
Fedina Yury

Softline entered the Ukrainian market in the early 2000s.

2022: Softline writes off millions due to withdrawal from Ukrainian market

At the end of August 2022, it became known that Softline wrote off $2.87 million due to leaving the Ukrainian market, which the company has been working on since 2002. This is stated in the materials of the IT distributor. Read more here.


Ukrainian sanctions wake longtime Softline detractor

The Ukrainian company Softline IT plans to sue the domain name registrar, Russian Softline and its subsidiaries in order to regain the domain This follows from a message on the Softline IT website, published after the decree of the President of Ukraine in May 2017 imposed sanctions against Russian companies. Among which was the Russian Softline and Softline Group Ukraine.

The Russian competitor appropriated the domain name of the in a "raider way" when it entered the Ukrainian market in the 2000s, according to Softline IT. The company had previously tried to "bring justice" through the courts, but those attempts were unsuccessful.

The company says that the Softline trademark was registered in Ukraine by Softline CJSC, the successor of which is Softline IT. And, in turn, CJSC Softline was founded by Kyiv programmers in 1995.

"In the light of the sanctions, the war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine," the demand to return the domain will be fair, the company said.

Softline entered the Ukrainian market in the early 2000s.

Softline IT also claims that a Russian competitor entered the Ukrainian market with dumping prices, which is why their company had to close a number of business areas.

The Russian Softline said to TAdviser about all this that, realizing the instability of the economic and political situation in Ukraine against Russian companies and some citizens of the Russian Federation, their company sold its Ukrainian asset even before signing the presidential sanctions decree. The new owner is a company that is not in any way related to the Russian Federation.

We hope that the new owner of the company, as a bona fide acquirer who has invested in a Ukrainian company, will be able to protect his rights and legitimate interests in Ukraine using all available legal methods, Softline noted.

The company did not specify to whom exactly the Ukrainian division was sold.

Falling under Ukrainian sanctions

On May 16, 2017, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, by his decree, enacted the decision of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) on sanctions against Russian companies and their subsidiaries in Ukraine. In total, 468 legal entities were on the sanctions list, of which 81 were related to the IT sphere. Among the companies that fell under the sanctions were also Softline Group and Softline Group Ukraїna. Read more here.

Joining the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine

In March 2017 Softline , Group Ukraine announced its accession to the American To Ukraine Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (ACC). The company became a full member. Accession to the ACC was dictated by expanded opportunities for dialogue, exchange of experience with members business processes of the Chamber, as well as deeper integration into the Ukrainian economy, the company explained.

Softline Group Ukraine will take an active part in the work of relevant committees of the Chamber and in committees of other areas, developing its capabilities and continuing external and internal development processes.