Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Studenovskaya joint-stock mining company (Stagdok)


Since 1996
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
398507, Lipetsk region, rural settlement Vvedensky village council, Studenovskaya industrial site


+ Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, NLMK

Studenovskaya Joint Stock Mining Company (Stagdok JSC) is an enterprise for the extraction and processing of flux limestones for the metallurgical industry. Included in the NLMK Group.

According to information for July 2021, the company is developing the Sitovsky section of the Sokolsko-Sitovsky field of flux limestones - one of the largest in Russia. The main consumer of flux limestone is the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, it accounts for 70% of the production. Stagdok also supplies limestone to other metallurgical companies in Russia, machine-building enterprises, cement industry plants, construction and road construction industry enterprises, and sugar producers.