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Subtropics of Russia (agrobiotechnopark)



Main article: Agro-industrial technology parks in Russia


2024: Construction begins

The construction of the Subtropics of Russia agrobiotechnopark has started in Sochi, the total investment in which will amount to ₽3,5 billion. This became known in early October 2024 after the signing of a tripartite agreement between the Krasnodar Territory Development Corporation, the Academy for the Development of Subtropical Agriculture and the Day company.

According to Kommersant, the new agrobiotechnopark will be located on an area of ​ ​ about 10 hectares. The capital investments of the management company in infrastructure will amount to about ₽500 million, and the investments of resident enterprises will reach more than three billion rubles.

Agrobiotechnopark "
Subtropics of Russia" is being built in Sochi for ₽3,5 billion

Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Kuban Mikhail Timofeev noted the uniqueness of the natural and climatic conditions of Sochi for growing tropical crops. According to him, the implementation of the agrobiotechnopark project will significantly improve production indicators in this industry.

Residents of Subtropics of Russia will be Kuban companies engaged in research and innovation in the field of biotechnology, crop breeding, the production of food and feed additives, as well as plant protection products. It is also planned to launch small-scale industrial production.

The agrobiotechnopark project is designed to promote food security, import substitution and promote the health of the nation. Its implementation will increase the production of high-quality environmentally friendly agricultural products.

The idea of ​ ​ creating "Subtropics of Russia" was discussed back in February 2023 as part of the cooperation of the Subtropical Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the state farm "Russia." Initially, it was planned that the project will include 50 residents and create up to 1.5 thousand jobs. However, in March 2024, the development of the project was temporarily suspended due to a legal dispute between the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the authorities of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory and the Rossiya state farm[1]
