Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Svan, PKF


The SVAN company has experiment on creation and implementation of information systems for health facilities, works at IT market since 2002. One of participants of informatization of health care in Russia.


2002 — Foundation of the company. The beginning of work on the project of the Promed regional information and analytical medical system (RIAMS) which should integrate all participants of a health care system of the Perm region.

2004 — Pilot start Promed in the lead medical institutions of Perm.

2005 — the Beginning of implementation Promed in all health care system of the Perm region.

2006 — Implementation Promed in 250 medical institutions of the Perm region. Creation of the uniform regional data processing center (DPC) in health care.

2007 — Creation and start of the unified information system of routing of flows of patients in health care of Perm Krai Electronic registry. The new solution allowing to make making an appointment with the doctor via the Internet and specialized call center, covers all medical institutions of Perm.

2008 — the Beginning of expansive development. Distribution of Electronic registry on all medical institutions of Perm Krai. Project implementation in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Pskov, Murmansk, Bryansk regions.

2009 — the SVAN Company becomes one of leaders in informatization of health care in Russia. The department of informatization of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation recognizes Electronic registry of SVAN company the unique development which does not have analogs in the country. The interdepartmental working group on regional informatization of Council under the President of the Russian Federation for development of information community calls Electronic registry the best solution in the field of information and analytical maintenance of services in the field of health care in the territory of the CIS.

2010 — Preparation for the Program of upgrade of health care of the Russian Federation 2011-2012, expansion of functionality of RIAMS Promed.

2011 — the SVAN Company becomes with assistance of Sirius concern the participant of a technology platform "A national software platform".

2012 — Project implementation of creation of regional segments of the single state information system of health care (SSISHC) in the subjects of the Russian Federation within the program of upgrade of health care.

2013 — Solutions of SVAN company cover more than 50,000 automated jobs.

2014 — Project implementation on informatization of health care outside the Russian Federation