Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Tambov highest military aviation engineering college






The institute is renamed by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 9, 2004 No. 937-r, the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation of 2004 No. 235, directives GSh Russian Armed Forces of December 11, 2004 No. 314/10/3417 and GSh of the Air Force of December 22, 2004 No. 665/2/4816 since December 31, 2004 into "Tambov Highest Military Aviation Engineering College of Radio Electronics (Military Institute)" public educational institution of higher professional training of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.


The school is renamed by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation of August 3, 1997 into the Tambov military aviation engineering institute.


In 1985 on the basis of directives GSh AF of the USSR of August 14, 1985, GSh Air Force of August 16, 1985 the faculty of Radio electronics is created. Departments of faculty formed a basis for creation in school of faculties on training of specialists for troops of communication, RTO and ACS Air Force.


Since July 22, 1976 on the basis of the order of the Minister of Defence of the USSR of October 15, 1973, the directive GSh AF of the USSR 1976 and GSh Air Force of 1976. The Tambov military aviation technical college is transformed to Tambov the highest military aviation engineering school Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner of the Order of Lenin of F.E. Dzerzhinsky and started training of engineers on the air radio-electronic equipment and aviation arms, at the same time continuing to prepare aviation radio technicians.


In 1968 the name of F.E. Dzerzhinsky is appropriated to school. The school is renamed by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the USSR of October 18, 1968 No. 819, the order of the Minister of Defence of the USSR No. 256 of October 29, 1968 into Tambov military aerotechnical school Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner of the Order of Lenin of F.E. Dzerzhinsky.


On the basis of the directive of the Deputy Minister of Defence of the USSR No. ORG/4/23435 of April 4, 1958 the school is renamed into Tambov Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner military aviation radio engineering college of the Order of Lenin. According to directives of the General Staff No. ORG/4/50011 of April 18, 1963 and GSh Air Force No. 30604 of April 24, 1963 the name of school is changed to Tambov military aerotechnical school Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner of the Order of Lenin.


On December 15, 1947 on the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Air Force of AF of the USSR the school will be relocated to the city of Tambov and in short terms starts full training of officers on radio engineering specialties for the Air Force. For many post-war years the school is repeatedly noted as advanced in training of officers of the Air Force.


In 1940 by order of the Air Force of the Red Army No. 0135 of October 19, 1940 the school is renamed into the Moscow military aviation college of communication Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner.


June 11, 1939. the school is awarded the order the Red Banner. In this regard the school is renamed by the order of the People's Commissar of Defence of the USSR of December 30, 1939 No. 245 into the Moscow military aerotechnical college Decorated with the Order of the Red Banner.


According to the order of the People's Commissar of Defence of the USSR of May 13, 1938 the school is renamed into the Moscow Military Aerotechnical college.

According to the order of Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR No. 214 in April, 1925 the school received the name "School of Auxiliary Services Air Force RKKA". The school is renamed by the order RVS USSR No. 627 of September 1 of the same year into "Military school of Special services Air Force RKKA".