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The company 'TEHNA" is one of the companies on developments and production of the cellular equipment used in industrial poultry farming. Since the basis products of TEHNA company won recognition of landowners more than 20 countries of the world. The cellular equipment released under the name of TEHNA is popular among agroindustrialists of Europe and Asia, Africa and Latin America. For a short period TEHNA company makes more than 1000 sets of the poultry-farming equipment on more than 60 million poultry bins. The TEHNA trademark is registered in all CIS countries and the European Union. The quality of the equipment is confirmed with the Russian and European certificates of conformity on all released equipment line. Products of the company are turned out at own plant located in Lipetsk. At the enterprises the quality management system according to international standards BO 90012008 is implemented. Production capacities of the company allow to turn out products taking into account world technologies.